Let’s Help Mandy Find a Kidney

Our mission is to help Mandy find a living kidney donor. Time is limited and we need all the help we can get to make this a reality for Mandy.


mandy is a 47 year old mom of Three and grandma of one suffering from polycystic Kidney Disease

She has already been on the transplant list for a year now

She will soon have to start dialysis. A living kidney donor is the best option for her. Due to the disease being genetic, her kids are unable to donate. Click below to read more of Mandy’s Story.

Mandy’s family is doing their best to prolong the life she deserves to live. Every second counts.

90,000+ – People are waiting for a kidney in the united states alone today
3-10 years
Typical wait time for someone on the waitlist
10-15 years estimated Increase in Life Expectancy – kidney from a deceased donor
20-40 years estimated increase in life expectany – kidney from a living donor

Considering Becoming a Live Donor?

It is best to stayed informed so you know all the facts. Below you will find a few educational videos to help you understand Kidney Donation. Please visit the contact page to correctly inquire for Mandy if you’re interest in the donation process.

Visit Living Kidney Donation I Ohio State Medical Center (osu.edu) for more information.

Living kidney donor candidate education | Ohio State Medical Center
What Is a Kidney Transplant? | Cleveland Clinic
Kidney donation and transplant requirements | Piedmont Healthcare


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